
Using Skills Validation and Verification Techniques to Hardwire Staff Behaviors

  • Publication: Journal of Emergency Nursing
  • Release Date: July 23, 2013
Sometimes ED leaders find that even though they have asked staff to perform new and prescriptive behaviors to improve patient care (eg, Studer Group® Must Haves® like leader rounding, Hourly Rounding® in the ED reception and treatment areas, and post-visit phone calls), they just are not seeing the results they expect. In such cases, the simulated skills lab model can be useful for diagnosing and closing performance gaps.
The four validation and verification techniques used to ensure that tactics are hardwired are simulated skills labs, direct observation, leader rounding on patients, and post-visit phone calls.
The full article by Regina Shupe, RN, MSN, CEN, is available in the Journal of Emergency Nursing and is available for purchase at www.jenonline.org.
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